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December 10th 2015
Dr. Joel Wallach : The father of Epigenetics.
Introduced by 
Dr.Robert Wiedemann D.C.
Dr. Wiedemann is the Academic Advisor to the Academy of Applied Epigenetics.

December 3, 2015
Daily Herbs and Spices

Finalizing the Institute’s list of  the recommended herbs
to be taken daily for optimum health.
The InstiuteCHT has formulated a daily herb and spice plate for preventative care and optimum health.
General Discussion to follow.

Nov 19, 2015
The Power of  Graphene. 
Discovered just recently by a University Professor in American, Graphene is 200 times stronger than steel, and is the most powerful heat conductor.
What are the uses for Graphene and how feasible is this? 
General Discussion.
2nd Floor of  the Moline Commercial Club
1530 Fifth Avenue.  Moline. Illinois. 
7.00 p.m.

October 1st. 2015
“ Our Constitution and International Treaties” .
introduced by Robert Stanley
discussion to follow. 

24 hours of  Spiritual work
Wednesday:  September 23rd. 2015
Thursday:  September 24th. 2015
During regular ISE timings.
7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.   
Wednesday AND Thursday.
Reinforcing yourself and your circle of influence in these demanding and revealing times.
Please join us for a Guided meditation
We are suspending our regular Independent Scholars’ Evenings for this Group Shared Spiritual Empowerment.
24 hours of Spiritual work for peace and upliftment of the meditating group, the immediate circle, national and world peace and spirituality. 
The remainder time will be conducted privately. 

Sept 17th. 2015 
"The Battle of Vienna. 
September 11th. 1683 " 
The battle that changed the course of  History.
By Narveen Aryaputri
Narveen will be discussing the significance of the battle that changed the course of History in light of current events today.

▶ September 11, 1565 (Battle of Malta ~ bitter Muslim defeat)
▶ September 11, 1683 (Battle of Vienna ~ bitter Muslim defeat)
▶ September 11, 1697 (Battle of Zenta ~ bitter Muslim defeat)
▶ September 11, 2001 (WTC, Pentagon, ???)
▶ September 11, 2012 (Benghazi)
▶ September 11, 2015 (Iranian/Persian nuclear bomb guarantee)

Narveen is a professional artist and essayist. She is the owner of The Moline Commercial Club © 1895 which she restored and is currently developing.

May 21, 2015
"Speaking American: bilingualism and multilingualism in the land of milk and honey"
Narveen Aryaputri
Narveen is a professional artist and essayist with commerce interests through the Moline Commercial Club © 1895 which she restored and is currently developing.
Her professional work is available online.

May 28th, 2015
"The Unlimited Child"
Michael Grady
This presentation will be given by Michael Grady, a long-time Independent Scholar at this Institute. His 18 year old child was recently accepted by Iowa State on a full 100% paid scholarship to study engineering for not only a Bachelor's degree, but a Master's degree, and even more.

April 23th, 2015
"The Fifth Dimension"
We all know the first 3 Dimensions of Life perception and experience. Time is the 4th. Dimension The combination of physical and cyber space is the Fifth Dimension. Increasingly we live in this Fifth Dimension, which combines all the known dimensions and adds the depth of cyberspace.

March 19, 2015
Open Evening
General Discussions

"Category: Color"
Narveen Aryaputri
Independent Scholars Evenings
March 26, 2015
The terms used to describe culture and people Discussion to follow.
2nd. Floor of the Moline Commercial Club.
1530 Fifth Avenue, Moline.

Independent Scholars Evenings
April 16th, 2015
"The ASAUKINAK Settlement: Honoring the Sauk Valley" by: Shaemun Preston Duncan Spiritualist
SHAEMUN, whose American Marine name is PRESTON DUNCAN, will be telling us about the historic ASAUKINAK Village as well as the history of our Sauk Valley area.
SHAEMUN is Spiritualist/ Spiritual Believer of the Meskwaki Traditions.
ASAUKINAK is the Meskwaki spelling of the settlement spelled phonetically. It is sometimes spelled differently in American as Saukanuk.
Continuing our series on the Historic Sauk Valley heritage.